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An IRS compliant program designed for business owners. Offers employees additional benefits to protect them during emergencies, keeps them happier, and increases retention. 

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The Ultimate Platform for Personal & Professional Development

Essential Training for Employee Engagement and Growth

Available for Individuals, Teams, and Enterprises.

“THANK YOU to Team Engage. Danelle and Mike have taught our team so much about thriving & succeeding in our personal and professional lives in just a few short months..”

-Bolton Ford

“I have staff members constantly coming up to me thanking me for investing in this. This is my absolute favorite thing ever. Thank you thank you thank you Team Enage.”

-Brooke, CEO

“I never guessed I had to change so much and grow as an owner, boss, friend, father and husband, but because of you and Team Engage, I have. We have taken control of our potential and the numbers are staggering.”

-Josh CEO

“I’ve run across a really small number of people that open you up to the possibilities of the world.. Danelle is one of those people. Thank you and Team Engage for pouring into us! 

-Charlie, CEO

“We had a 26% year over year increase in sales during this tough market. This is HUGE. Thank you.”

-Aaron, GM

Time To Engage

Ready for results from every human on your team?

We are disrupting this space with the most advanced human development techniques, next-level sales training and little-known social media strategies to explode your company’s growth.
We train your employees so you can experience an exponential increase in revenue while significantly lowering turnover.
How have we been so successful at achieving this? 
By implementing our Massively Successful 13 Rules of Engagement Training System that is fun, engaging, and entertaining. 
We train employees to win at life, work and relationships.
And when your employees win.. you WIN!
Here at Team Engage we believe the future is bright but it’s even brighter for the companies that invest in their employees by giving them the tools they need to be highly successful humans!


The 13 Rules of Engagement

Danelle’s 13 Rules Training System 

The Ultimate Life & Team Transformation

  • Building Your Employees is the key to Exponentially Growing Your Company and We Build Employees Better Than Anyone Else With Our Proven and Massively Successful 13 Rules of Engagement Training System!
  • 52 weeks of powerhouse – time efficient training
  • Engage from the palm of your hand
  • Grow, Implement, Repeat
  • And so much more…

As Featured

Mike Draper & Danelle Delgado – The duo the world news cannot get enough of!

Former Swat Police Officer, Air Force Veteran, MBA and Real Estate investor, turned social Media Master, nearing a billion views, has joined forces with Forbes, Entrepreneur and Success Magazines leading lady, the global icon  Danelle Delgado, known as the “millionaire maker” and one the most sought after speakers & corporate trainers on marketing, sales, business strategy, communication and human development in the world. Together, they’re building superhumans whose results in the hundreds of millions, keep making headlines.  

Meet the Co-Founders of TeamEngage


“Training should be life changing” Delgado says, while her partner follows with “and entertaining”.  They are mix of hard core truths and velvet hammers and two whose comedy is always applauded. 

Together, Mike and Danelle have built the new age of edutainment and team training. It’s about excellence, results and all growth being accelerated. Their business acumen, communication expertise and personal performance records are bringing world class secrets to world class teams and the results are staggering. 


Liza Borches, owner one of the largest auto franchises worldwide, Carter Myers Automotive, based in VA, says “The outcomes generated by our team can be directly attributed to our work with Danelle. Employee turnover has significantly decreased by an admirable 81%, our workforce has grown by 41%, and, most notably, our revenue and bottom-line profits have surged by a remarkable 110%. Danelle has transformed our managers into true leaders.”

These results are similar to all teams this duo is collaborating with as they cautiously enter into their partnerships, focused only on teams that have congruent values to matter and make a significant difference in the world. Prepare for military, first responders and the highest ranking financiers of the world to all Engage with these titans of progress. 

When any high performing team is ready for change, they know it’s time to Engage! 

Engage Social

Social Media Training

Social Media Mastery

The most mis-used tool worldwide with the most leverage and impact capacity is Social Media, and could not let this tool be misunderstood or underutilized again.

Social Media creative, influencer and master of his craft Mike Draper, is bringing the insider secrets to every company ready to win online! Ready for sales people to gain massive attention, ready to gain leads, convert sales and see your company known worldwide, the Engage Social Community is for you!

 “In 24 hours, I used Mike’s training to generate a million views on my very next video.” – Ashley Stanley

“90 days of access to this community and implementing the Engage Strategy,  our views quadrupled and we doubled our sales. This is brilliance in action. Best training we’ve ever paid for.” – Christina Whitely

Engage Sales

The Integrative


3-Day Sales Experience with Danelle! If you’re looking to equip closers, be mentally and strategically prepared to win, this sales artist, will help your team get it done with speed and excellence.

Hire Danelle

& Mike


From Business strategy, customer service, online marketing, sales, social media expansion – Danelle Delgado, coined “the velvet hammer” will light up any stage, from an audience of 200 to 20,000 she empowers, equips and inspires people to take action and become the one their results require.


Life Changing Team Training

Out Wit – Out Play – Out Last

Danelle Delgado and Mike Draper combine education, entertainment and massive results with this unique adventure experience. A mix of hard work, daily training and excursion learning that will leave your team aching for more and hungry to win.

This Month


A fresh look at how to advance in today’s world as a high performance indicidual and team. 

Follow them now on socials!